Preparing Development Environments

For in-process simulator development, SansGUI currently supports the following programming environments:

We have tested SansGUI with the Standard Editions of both environments and certify them for SansGUI simulation development. However, you need to consult the license agreement of these products if you need to distribute your simulator. The Microsoft Foundation Class library (MFC) is not a requirement for SansGUI simulation development.

If your programming environment is not directly supported, you may still be able to develop in-process simulators provided that your programming environment supports the following capabilities:

If your programming environment does not support all of the above, you need to use one of the supported environments to create an intermediate DLL that contains stub functions to call the routines created with the unsupported environment indirectly. If this still cannot be done, you need to implement it as an external process simulator, which is described in the next chapter, Developing External Process Simulators.

Customizing Supported Environments

For SansGUI in-process simulator development, the supported programming environments must be customized as described below:

Preparing Microsoft Visual C++ IDE

You need to configure the IDE only once to include SansGUI's inc directory in the include file path. To do so, use Tools>Options... from the pull-down menu. In the Options dialog, click on the Directories tab and in the Show Directories for: field, select Include files. If the inc subdirectory in your SansGUI installation directory is not listed in the Directories, you need to add a new entry and select the inc subdirectory to include it. You can enter the directory path directly or use the Browse button (labeled with ...) to locate it. Click on the OK button to commit the addition.

Preparing Compaq Visual Fortran IDE

You need to configure the IDE only once to include SansGUI's inc directory in the include file path. To do so, use Tools>Options... from the pull-down menu. In the Options dialog, click on the Directories tab and in the Show Directories for: field, select Include files. If the inc subdirectory in your SansGUI installation directory is not listed in the Directories, you need to add a new entry and select the inc subdirectory to include it. You can enter the directory path directly or use the Browse button (labeled with ...) to locate it. Click on the OK button to commit the addition.


C:\FH_Suite\htmlgifs\home.gif Using Source Code Framework Creating DLL Projects

SansGUI Modeling and Simulation Environment Version 1.2

Copyright © 2000-2003 ProtoDesign, Inc. All rights reserved.